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Meditation is practiced in virtually every community throughout the world. An ancient tradition, meditation is as relevant in today’s busy world as it ever was. It can lead us to discover a sense of calmness and inner harmony and can help us cope with the pressures of everyday life. Meditation cuts across different religions and cultures. 

Today’s busy schedules seem tailor-made for a buildup of stress. Meditation is a very grounded and effective way to relieve stress while also promoting self-awareness. Just as there are many different reasons why people meditate, there are many different kinds of meditation. Knowing something about them can help us choose which ones are right for us.

Seven Minute Mindfulness


Binaural Beats by Ennora

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Flow state breathing


Sound Healing System


 There's good evidence with studies reporting that meditation helps relieve our subjective levels of anxiety and depression, and improve attention, concentration, and overall psychological well-being.

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